THTR 176
Dr. Susan Kattwinkel
Don Juan paper

This play has a lot in common with the plays we've read this semester. For this review, as you think about the acting, design, etc., take one of the following ideas and reference one of the plays we've read already.

1. Gender relations are clearly front and center in this play. You could argue that the women in the play are both strong and weak. What did the performances say about tensions between the sexes, and how does this compare to that theme in a play we've read?

2. All of the main characters in this play make some strong choices. What does the play say about choices and personal responsibility for those choices? Certainly the acting comes into play here, because some actors chose to portray their decisions as strong choices, others appeared pulled along by fate or lack of decision. What other play that we've read does this bring to mind and how does it compare?

3. Like some (but not all) of the plays we've read, Don Juan centers around one central character, with the actions of the other characters responding to the choices made by that main character. What does this fact demand of the actor playing that character, did this actor succeed, and how does that compare to what might be required of an actor playing the central character in one of the plays we read?


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